150 Homes, Part 2

Mile 77.32 to 151.8

We’re now two weeks into our hike, and every day brings new refinements of gear and new ways to make our time more efficient. Our daily mileage has grown from five to ten to eighteen, helped in part by a shift to desert timing: get up before 5am, hike ten miles before the sun gets too hot, take a long siesta and then hike into the evening.

This has meant that we’re rolling into camp later. Betty gets the dinner going while I set up the tent and blow up our mats, then we have a little time to eat, watch the sunset and chat with other hikers before bedtime, usually 8 to 9 pm. This changes when things get windy, since the tent would fly away if both of us weren’t working together to stake it down.

This week has indeed been characterized by high ridge camp spots with exciting wind to match, but so far the tent has held up well. We also enjoyed a wonderful rest day in Idyllwild with some new hiking buddies.






















4 thoughts on “150 Homes, Part 2

  1. Lovely photos, Tim. And you’ve camped in some beautiful spots. I’m amused that your take on the hike so far is very concerned with the technicalities- a very male approach, perhaps! But so good that everything is “holding up” and you are enjoying the many different aspects of the journey. Much love, mum.


    • Aw, Tim was the inspiration for the post on pilgrimages, which was the result of many thoughtful conversations with your son! 🙂 We are trying to divide and conquer with recording both the technical and psychological aspects of the hike- there are so many angles to cover! He does have a great photographic eye too!


  2. You guys are the cutest! I hope your blisters are receding into the depths of your epidermis as we type and that you’re enjoying the scenery. These sunsets/rises are killing me! Can’t wait to send you and Cal some epically stupid shit soon. Miss you both!


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